When Parents Say Toxic Things
Being raised by toxic parents can bring trauma that lasts for a very long time. A toxic parent is one that can ruin your life and it can be someone that controls you, uses psychological or physical abuse, manipulates, has no personal boundaries for you or parents that only care about themselves. Parents that are toxic can control you by making you feel guilty or making you feel that you owe them something. You need to make sure that you can understand that the toxic things that they say to you is who they are and what they are made of and this can help you to not get emotionally…
Connecting with Your Higher Self
Reaching your higher self should be a goal that everyone has. When you are able to do this, you can live a healthier and happier life. If you want to reach your higher self, you might have to access your Akashic Records. You can ask about your connection with your higher self and what is holding you back. Here are some things that you can do to reach your higher self and to live a happier life: Be Grounded The first thing that you need is to be grounded. You need to connect with yourself and with the world around you. If you want to connect with someone or something,…
Learning to Meditate
Meditation is a word that people often misconstrue. This happens because they don’t realize that meditation is something that can make people strong, and it isn’t just some chanting or putting your fingers together. When we talk about meditation, it means that there are many ways that you can meditate, and you can even do it while you are laying down or sleeping. Other kinds of meditation such as tapa, dharana, samadhi, Japa, shoonya or even dhyana are different kinds of meditation that is hard meditation. Not everyone can meditate but you can become in a meditative state. You reach a certain place and do a kind of act when…
Teaching Kindness to Kids
Parents, teachers and friends need to help to teach children to be kind. When a child has the choice to help someone, it is hopeful that they will. No one wants children that will be rude, hurtful or prejudice. We don’t always live in a kind world. Sometimes grown-ups will show children that kindness isn’t important. Helping others and showing them that this is important can help teach them. Why to Teach Children to Be Kind and Loving Kindness and goodness is something that we can teach children. Just like other kinds of behaviors, children can learn kindness by doing it and seeing it. Children learn these kinds of behaviors…
Using Meditation Mantras to Better Your Health
When you want to meditate, sometimes this is hard, and you have to try to find new techniques to do. Mantra meditating is one kind of technique. Mantra is a Sanskrit word that means mind releasing. If you think of a mantra, this is a phrase or a word that you repeat over and over again when you meditate. Doing this can help you to concentrate on that and let go of things that are in your mind. This will help you to be able to get into the right mindset. Some people that use mantra’s during meditation can become more aware of what they are doing and concentrate more…
Couple Rituals that Work
If you have a partner and you want to have a strong relationship, one of the best ways to have this happen is to do rituals. You don’t have to do hard rituals that take a lot of time, this can be small things that you do to celebrate each other and to show your love. Here are some good rituals to try: Saying hello and goodbye. Spending the first and last part of your day together. Preparing meals together. Celebrating birthdays. Celebrating holidays. Spending weekends. Spending vacations. There are some questions that you can ask your partner if you have a hard time coming up with what to say…
Letting Go of Anger and Having Peace
One of the worst emotions that someone can have been anger. Anger just does not feel like who you are inside, and it can leave you feeling tired and even depressed. There are ways that you can get rid of anger in your life, and you can improve how you live majorly. Some people believe that anger is something that is on the rise in our world, especially more for women than men. People are always out working and there is less support, and it is harder to find people to be close to. People are often too busy to even have strong social lives and it can lead people…
Using Pranayama to Clear Your Mind
Pranayama, a type of breathwork, is something that has become very popular. It has been around for thousands of years and was often done by the Hindu Vedas to help fight things such as heart problems, stress, mental issues and now it is said to help fight brain fog that comes from COVID. This is something that is popular that is known to have results that have been proven and the great thing about it is that you don’t need anything in order to do it, just your own body. One great thing about Pranayama is that you can do it each time you have some free time and you…
How to Love Your Partner
No two couples are going to be the same and while you might like to have a quiet night in, someone else might love to hit up the bar or go running the town. There are different tastes and ideas that different couples have but every kind of couple wants the same thing and that is to find happiness in their relationship. Partners want to have happy partners so that they can have peace and happiness. No matter what kind of things you like to do, there are some habits that healthy and happy couples have. Here are some ideas to keep you and your partner going strong: Say Hi…
Is Your Mindset an Issue?
Habits are powerful in bringing about changes in our lives. Creating positive habits that move us toward our goals can help create desired results. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done and changing behaviors is difficult. Even with the best intentions, we can struggle. This is in large part due to our subconscious. Behaviors are the consequence of thought and when these thoughts are unhelpful, intentions can be sabotaged. If we become aware of our self-talk and the errors, we can change our mindset and begin breaking free from negative patterns. Below are the most prevalent negative mindsets described and how to make real changes. Pessimistic Pessimism is about viewing…