Dating Tips

  • Dating and Children
    Dating Tips

    Dating and Children

    want to date you with all of your kids. The truth is, there are plenty of people out there that would love to date a single mother. Do not instantly think that just because you have children that you are no longer desirable. There are many people who love children and want to date someone that has children. There are also other parents that are single that would like to be with someone else that is a single parent. There are plenty of people that have no children and would like to start a readymade family. Even when you fit the idea of a single mom or dad, the important…

  • Dating as a Parent
    Dating Tips

    Dating as a Parent

    When parents make poor choices while dating, children are affected. This does not mean parents should put off dating, but that they need to follow some guidelines to protect their children while doing so. Listed below are several things that parents and people who are dating those who are parents should avoid. With these in mind, it is safe to jump into the dating pool without as much concern that your children will suffer. Do Not Post Online Dating sites are the most common way to meet up with someone in this technological age. This is fine, but when posting photos of yourself, do not include photos with your children.…

  • Does Your Partner Have Alexithymia?
    Dating Tips

    Does Your Partner Have Alexithymia?

    Alexithymia is a socially limiting psychological condition that wreaks havoc on a person’s emotional life. The condition involves the inability to use words to express feelings or emotions. This affects interpersonal relationships, social attachments, and emotional awareness. Many experts define alexithymia as a neurological disorder. Others consider it to be a psychological disorder resulting in social impacts. Either way, it may be a significant factor contributing to breakups. Psychiatrist Peter Sifneos first described alexithymia in 1972. There are still a lot of unknowns, but scientists believe alexithymia may be rooted in changes in the limbic system. They’ve also concluded that there are no connections between alexithymia and psychopathy. Unlike psychopaths,…