Designer Babies
So is the day really ever going come where you pick out and purchase your future child’s features like you would for a home you are building? According to some, it definitely may. There is what they call “gene therapy” that is currently used to help filter out genetic disorders and diseases, however some clinics are allowing couples to actually pick the sex of their child. It seems that this whole side of science and technology is moving at such a rapid pace that no one is able to really put a red button on it in order to figure out the potential consequences. While some say that American’s don’t…
What Is The Media Telling Our Kids?
here has always been adult content in the forms of the radio and in movies, but I know never to the degree of what it is now. I remember being a kid and sneaking and watch Jason movies. Wow, how times have changed. There are a lot of people out there that say that you should monitor your children and that you as the parent are responsible for what your child see’s or hears. Ummmm….well, I can agree with some of that but when every time you turn around you are hearing about sex and pulling condoms from a drawer, look on television and see young people acting like retarded…
Missing Child Zahra
What makes this case close to me, is that this girl is actually from my hometown and where I will soon be residing again soon, Hickory, NC. However, other than that, it’s not too much different from the many other cases where children go missing and are likely killed at the hands of the adults who are supposed to be caring for them. In this case, so far there are signs pointing in the direction of the step-mother. She has had accusations by other family members and even neighbors that she abused the child both verbally and physically. She was accused of locking the child in her room and only…
Octomom Hustles To Save Home
Well it’s not just the below the radar people who are struggling to meet their financial obligations these days with the rough economy. It seems that the “celeb-reality” star Octomom has had her own financial woes mounting up to the point of feeling the need to do everything from have a huge yard sale where she also was charging $10 per picture taken with her but then even showing up at a bar to serve drinks to people who actually wanted to pay to have her make theirs! It seems this go around she has escaped by managing to catch up on her mortgage with her extreme efforts, however who…
Should Parent’s Get Report Cards?
This is a question that has been thrown around in the media recently after a Florida politician made the proposal. Hmmmm. While report cards don’t go out right now on parents, there’s no doubt in my mind that we are always graded constantly regardless. I’m sure there isn’t one set of parent’s that the teacher hasn’t made their own imaginary diagnosis of by the middle of the school years. But most of the the imaginary report card is usually always in our own minds of whether we are passing or failing at parenthood. And let’s face it, if most of us are honest, we are usually always at least below…
Casey Anthony Trial – Driving Me Crazy
kay, I don’t get to watch much television these days. Actually I don’t have much time to even breathe right now, thus me being behind on my blogging But when I do watch television, I only care to watch a select few channels. The cable company’s are so unfair making you pay a bill that reflects watching at least a hundred channels, when you only usually watch five. But one of the channels I do watch now is HLN and the fact that the life has been sucked out of it with this Casey Anthony trial is really triggering an irritation rash. First it was Nancy Grace who couldn’t get…
Single Mom Has Baby Boy
The “single mom” that I’m referring to is Natalie Portman. I throw the “single mom” into the title since she was slammed by Mike Huckabee earlier this year due to the fact that she isn’t married to the baby’s father. Actually now that I think about it, I sort of just heard another slam on single mom’s yesterday. A commentator on the Casey Anthony trial said that women who are single mom’s are more prone to killing their children, hmmmm. I thought this jab was a little unfair, but I would have to actually see the research on it to put my own pieces together on whether that is really…
Pre-Teen Padded Push Up Bras
Well, now that summer is almost here, it’s time to grab a beach towel, pick out a cool pair of shades and head down to your local mall where you can find Abercrombie and Fitch selling their now infamous pre-teen swim suit that includes a padded push up bra. According to recent stories, at as young as seven years old, you can get one of these bathing suites and sport it in order to show that even at that young age, you may actually have some cleavage. So is this too young, is this inappropriate, does this not only send a sexual message to our girls, but also to our…