Parenting Advice and Tips
How to Use Meditation to Calm Your Child for Bed
It’s hard to get children to go to bed and, sometimes, it’s even harder to get them to go to sleep. They are a whirlwind of energy, and it’s hard to settle them down. However, you can use chakra meditation to help calm their minds so they sleep well. Understanding Chakras and Their Role in Meditation Chakras are primary points in our bodies that many believe control certain aspects of our lives. Clearing chakras is thought to allow for a free flow of energy through our bodies, allowing for a better life. The seven chakras are thought to control spirituality, groundedness, relationships, assertiveness or confidence, communication, imagination or thought, and…
What to Do When Your Child Rebels: Effective Strategies for Parents
Parenting is a journey filled with both joys and challenges, and one of the most difficult phases many parents face is when their child begins to rebel. Whether it’s a toddler’s tantrums, a teenager’s defiance, or a young adult’s resistance, rebellion can test your patience and leave you feeling frustrated, confused, and sometimes powerless. However, rebellion is often a natural part of growing up—a sign that your child is striving for independence, testing boundaries, and forming their own identity. Instead of viewing rebellion as a problem to be fixed, it can be seen as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship, guide your child, and help them navigate their emotions and…
How to Prevent Burnout
We live in a busy world, and everything is always right there in front of us, but this can leave you tired and exhausted. This is a time where people all over seem to be experiencing burnout in life. What is Burnout? Burnout is on the rise and more than 50 percent of people in the United States according to a study get burnout. There are things that are constantly changing and money to be made and people are constantly working to the point of exhaustion. Burnout is a physical and mental tiredness that happens when someone is always facing stress. If stress causes burnout, how can you stop it?…
Getting Past Parental Guilt
Guilt is something that everyone feels here and there, and it is normal and natural. Parental guilt is a real thing too and it is normal to have these kinds of emotions. The problem is though that parental guilt can cause stress and anxiety and it can make you say things to your children that you will later regret saying. You need to make sure that if you are feeling guilty about something that you know that you are carrying this feeling. When you do something that makes you feel bad or you feel regretful, it is normal to feel guilty. When this happens as a parent, it shows that…
Making a Parental Relationship Strong
One of the most important kinds of relationships is a parent and child relationship. This is what children learn through interaction between them and their parent or caregiver. Children are constantly changing and they will look at these people in order to feel safe and secure. You can make these relationships some of the best relationships by embracing each time you spend with them and each moment you get to be together. By spending time together, you create a place where your child can explore and to understand things. Being a parent is not easy sometimes and it can be hard, but you can keep working to make sure you…
When Parents Say Toxic Things
Being raised by toxic parents can bring trauma that lasts for a very long time. A toxic parent is one that can ruin your life and it can be someone that controls you, uses psychological or physical abuse, manipulates, has no personal boundaries for you or parents that only care about themselves. Parents that are toxic can control you by making you feel guilty or making you feel that you owe them something. You need to make sure that you can understand that the toxic things that they say to you is who they are and what they are made of and this can help you to not get emotionally…
Navigating Being a Queer Parent
There are many difficulties that come with being a single parent. One must always be on parent duty without partner to occasionally handle off responsibilities. There is only one income stream for the family. There is no partner to share the joys and woes of raising a child. These difficulties can be even more magnified when this parent is LGBTQ. Being a single parent can forever change the dating scene. But when you are queer it can be difficult to navigate the broader single parent community. You may find yourself spending more time with heterosexual individuals since there are limited queer prospects. This can lead to endless coming out experiences…
Missing Child Zahra
What makes this case close to me, is that this girl is actually from my hometown and where I will soon be residing again soon, Hickory, NC. However, other than that, it’s not too much different from the many other cases where children go missing and are likely killed at the hands of the adults who are supposed to be caring for them. In this case, so far there are signs pointing in the direction of the step-mother. She has had accusations by other family members and even neighbors that she abused the child both verbally and physically. She was accused of locking the child in her room and only…
Octomom Hustles To Save Home
Well it’s not just the below the radar people who are struggling to meet their financial obligations these days with the rough economy. It seems that the “celeb-reality” star Octomom has had her own financial woes mounting up to the point of feeling the need to do everything from have a huge yard sale where she also was charging $10 per picture taken with her but then even showing up at a bar to serve drinks to people who actually wanted to pay to have her make theirs! It seems this go around she has escaped by managing to catch up on her mortgage with her extreme efforts, however who…
Should Parent’s Get Report Cards?
This is a question that has been thrown around in the media recently after a Florida politician made the proposal. Hmmmm. While report cards don’t go out right now on parents, there’s no doubt in my mind that we are always graded constantly regardless. I’m sure there isn’t one set of parent’s that the teacher hasn’t made their own imaginary diagnosis of by the middle of the school years. But most of the the imaginary report card is usually always in our own minds of whether we are passing or failing at parenthood. And let’s face it, if most of us are honest, we are usually always at least below…