How to Prevent Burnout
We live in a busy world, and everything is always right there in front of us, but this can leave you tired and exhausted. This is a time where people all over seem to be experiencing burnout in life.
What is Burnout?
Burnout is on the rise and more than 50 percent of people in the United States according to a study get burnout. There are things that are constantly changing and money to be made and people are constantly working to the point of exhaustion.
Burnout is a physical and mental tiredness that happens when someone is always facing stress. If stress causes burnout, how can you stop it?
Using Yoga for Stress
Studies have been done over the past few years about how great yoga can be for the body, soul, and mind. Yoga can decrease stress and cortisol levels and it is something that you can do for a long period or a short period of time. Some people just do 5 or 10 minutes a day. There are different postures and breathing exercises that can be done during yoga that help to increase the nervous system. Practice this and stretch your body so that you become more stable.
Doing yoga when you’re burnout can help you to get your life back in order. It can slow down your heart rate and it can help you to be conscious of your movements and your breathing, which will improve your overall body.
Energy and Yoga
You need to manage your energy and when you are tired, it affects every part of you including your emotions. As you channel your emotions and you do yoga, you will see that you can keep your life in order, and you can keep your emotions in check. You might not be able to control what goes on around you, but you can learn to control how you react by managing your energy.
Yoga tells you that there are layers that happen in your life that impact others. It also impacts your overall wellbeing. If you don’t have these layers healthy, you won’t sleep well which will leave you tired all day and keep you unable to think clearly. This can cause you to have fear or pain and it can lead to burnout.
Here are some of the layers:
- Body
The body is the outer layer which is called an-Namaha kosha. This is where your body is fit, hydrated and where you sleep well, and your body will be full of energy. You will be able to think clearly, and you will be able to deal with stress when it comes. This means not to drink alcohol too much or to be lazy but to eat healthily, move and go into nature. Doing this will support your outer layer.
- Breath
The next layer is breathing. This is called Pranayama Kosha. This is the way to get to prana or the life force. Doing this just a few minutes a day can change your life. You can do this while you are doing yoga, and you will be in control of your body. Doing breathwork can be simple and it can include taking a few deep breaths each day and being conscious of how you breathe.
- Mind
The mind is a powerful layer, and it is made up of Vijnanavada and Mano maya and this is where you are able to discern things, thing, have feelings, be wise, use your intuition and how you judge. Giving your mind power can give you energy in all areas of your life.
- Soul
Where your heart is, where your soul is. This is the Ananda maya Kosha. This is the center of your body and when this is working then you are connected to things that aren’t material. You are able to think deeply, and you are able to connect with the spiritual world and your soul. You have to feel this level and it can’t be explained. When you think about your soul, do you have peace? Make it a priority to take care of your soul.
- Stillness
To achieve your intentions and your goals you have to look at the insides of yourself. You have to take time to be still and to recharge. Clear your mind and be conscious about being still. Doing this is something that you need to do each day, especially if you are feeling burned out.
- Taking Care of Your Mind
You need to pay attention to what you are feeling and where your energy is flowing. As you move in different directions each day, you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself.
- Multitasking
Multitasking isn’t a great thing, and it can limit the information that you get. It increase the stress hormone of cortisol and it can increase your fight or flight hormone which makes you have a dopamine addiction because it rewards the brain for acting like this. This can be dangerous for your body.
Multitasking is something that everyone wants to get good at but instead of multitasking, people need to take moments out of their day to direct their attention to what is happening in the moment. Even if your energy goes to so many things when you are multitasking that you will start to notice that your attention is constantly being redirected.
- Thinking
The thoughts that you have are full of energy and it can cause your mind to be both positive and negative. You need to start meditating so that you can clear your mind and not let it take your life force. Watch your thoughts and make sure that you are working on having good energy and good thoughts.
Here are some yoga positions to avoid burnout:
- Cat or Cow to Downward Facing Dog
Get on all fours and put your shoulders over your hips and over your knees. Put your knuckles out and hug your outer arms. Take the shoulders from the ears and take a deep breath while you put your belly to the earth. Put your shoulder blades down and back and let your heart be open. When you exhale, press the earth away and tuck your tail under your belly.
Do this a few times and stay in the position as long as you need to. You can then tuck your toes, extend your legs or your hips and go into a downward facing dog. Do this as you deep breathe.
- Standing Forward Fold Into Intense Stretch Pose
Walk your hands towards your feet and keep your feet hips apart. Put your weight across your feet and make sure your knees are soft. Put your outer elbows and upper body in a hanging position. Deep breath.
Stay here or you can put your hands on your shins and lift up your chest. Lift up the belly button and do this as you breathe out. Put your hands behind your calves and fold it forward as you move your legs back and don’t lock the knees. Lift up your quads and keep your shoulders away from your ears.
- Easy Seated Pose
Go to the downward facing dog and then put your knees down. Sit with your legs crossed and elevate your seat. Put your fingers interlaced and put them over your head and extend your arms. Deep breathe in, put your butt on the ground to the left and stretch the right side of your body. Do this for five breaths.
Come to the center and then reach up the spine and move forward form the hips and keep the butt grounded and the spine straight. Put your fingers on the earth in front and do this for five breaths.
Take your left hand to the right thigh and your right hand behind you and bend your arm and put your fingers at the center of the spine. Increase the length of the spine and move to the right. Reach up and put your fingers together, stretch to the right and then to the left. Stay for five breaths and come back to the center.
Other Yoga Poses for Strength and to Prevent Burnout
- Gomukhasana: Do this each time for at least five breaths.
- Anahatasana: Allow yourself to be relaxed and do this softly with each breath. Stay for five breaths.
- Supported Bridge: Lay down and put your feet hip apart. Lift the hips and put blocks under you and rest on the blocks as you breath for a count of five.
- Legs on the Wall: Lay down and put your legs on the wall. Stay for 10 breaths and then do it for 5 minutes if you can. Lay back down when you’re done.
- Pranayama: Lay on your back and put your hands on your belly. Breathe and let your belly rise. Feel your ribs all the way as you breathe. As you exhale, let your breath go and don’t try to control it. Do this for three rounds or longer and then rest.